About Us

Our Mission
Encourage and support a culture within the legal community that recognizes, accepts, and promotes quality of life objectives as important to personal and professional development.

1. Encourage awareness of and foster openness to the personal and professional choices that lawyers make to improve quality of life for themselves and others.

2. Educate lawyers and legal employers about the benefits of reducing tension between personal and professional life, and methods for doing so.

3. Identify obstacles and problems that tend to limit the range of quality of life options available to the legal community and develop solutions to overcome those obstacles.

4. Educate lawyers about methods for improving quality of life, including pursuing physical and mental wellness, managing stress, volunteering, and improving personal financial skills and stability.

5. Provide information and support relating to qualify of life to lawyers who choose nontraditional career paths.

6. Solicit and draft articles related to quality of life issues for publication on the Committee’s website, in The Bulletin, and other legal publications.

7. Maintain relationships with OSB sections and committees, Oregon law schools, and other groups (including, for example, the OAAP and OWLS) to promote the Committee’s goals.

8. Solicit nominations for annual OSB Awards of lawyers who exemplify or demonstrate the benefits of incorporating higher quality of life standards into their lives and law practices.

In addition to assembling the materials found here, the Committee is available to present continuing education programs offering advice to help lawyers and law firms examine and implement quality of life strategies. For example, last year the Committee presented a Networking program at The University of Oregon Law School called “How to Work a Room”.  Click here to view the video.


We welcome your questions or suggestions.